NIR Benefits to eIA Holders
Policy Servicing
- Single request contact details updation
- Premium alerts & payment for all insurers
- Increased number of service touch points
- Ease in registering bank account details for premium payment and payouts
- One time Know Your Customer updation
- Storage of policy in e format
- All insurance policies under one umbrella
- Consolidated insurance statement on an annual basis.
- Single view of all policies to an authorised person in case of death of the eIA account holder.
- One time claim intimation
Write to Us at

NSDL Database Management Limited,
4th Floor, Tower 3
One International Center, Senapati Bapat Marg, Prabhadevi,
Mumbai - 400 013 (INDIA)
Phone : 91-22-49142631 / 49142630
Email : helpdesk.nir{at}ndml{dot}in
4th Floor, Tower 3
One International Center, Senapati Bapat Marg, Prabhadevi,
Mumbai - 400 013 (INDIA)
Phone : 91-22-49142631 / 49142630
Email : helpdesk.nir{at}ndml{dot}in